Tuesday 13 May 2014

Homework Maths

Hi everyone,
This week the students need to practice their 0, 1 and 2 multiplication facts, and get to know them super fast.

Here are some links to some games that could be helpful.

http://www.multiplication.com/games/play/chopper-challenge (choose the facts you would like to practice)

http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/popup/popup_multiplication.htm (Try level 1)


http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/earlymath/multiplicationPicnic.htm Level 1 for beginners

http://www.multiplication.com/games/play/fish-shop (Level 1 for beginners)

There are also more on the left.
Get practicing!


  1. Thank you Mrs Love for showing us that because some of us can't do so much time tables.Tarshay

  2. I loved practicing my times table with my mum and dad‼‼♠

  3. I love the games you put on that. Tarshay

  4. I LOVE!!!!! the games you put on the blog. I play the games on the blog at home, and it is 100% good for learning. thank you SOOO!!!!!! much for them Mrs Love.
